2D Art

Self Portrait

This project was pretty hard, and I was surprised it looked good in the end. I thought it would've been way worse. The coolest part to do was the hair. I liked the way it turned out and how realistic the hairs look.

Food Painting

I really liked this project. I like the painting part of 2D more than the drawing as of right now. I felt like I did pretty good with my painting and was proud of it. I was happy with the way it turned out and how it looks pretty similar to what I was going off of.

Architecture Watercolor

This project was really scary to start, but super fun in the end. I was glad I got to pick the place and make it look just like my house. This project taught me a lot about how to shade, make trees and bushes, and trace buildings.

Colored Pencil Transportation

I really liked this project and how it turned out. I learned about shadows and highlights and even managed to draw the chrome on the tires pretty well. I would love to do this project again, it was really fun.