
Preflection: for this project I will create a portrait of a kid in India and will send it back to him.

India kids project practice: Before I began creating the portrait I had to decide how I was going to create this kids portrait. I was excited to see which way would work best for me and I even got to try something new that I haven't done before. I practiced with pencil, colored pencil, and oil pastel's. I chose the oil pastels because it was something that I have never done before and I wanted to challenge myself to make this portrait in a way that I have never done before. 

final India kid portrait: I am so happy with how this turned out. I was struggling at first and the oil pastels were frustrating at times but I pushed through and  managed to get used to it. I was proud that I created this portrait using a style that I wasn't used to and I didn't give up. I am very excited for this boy to get his portrait back and I hope that he is happy with what I made.