Cole Moss Portfolio of art

Really love sponge bob so when I looked at the shapes and say a saw and a fin, I instantly knew that that was sponge bob and Patrick.

This is my hand holding a hammer. It didn't come out how I wanted it and my fingers look crooked and broken. I drew my thumb way to long and it looks weird. Other than that I think I did very well on shading and the texture.

I toom a picture of a green feild with many yellow flowers. This is one of my favorite pictures I have taken and I am very proud of it. Blending was a hard part for me and mixing colors to get the right one thta I want.

For this jar I was original going to make a "nothing jar" but then relised I could take something really cool. I made an alligator because why not and you are able to detach he jaw to store coins. There is also an opening on the back to store other things

My whistle is definitely a "nothing whistle". I didn't know what I wanted to make I just made it. I added a hole on the top and it made it twice as loud for some reason. The whistle looks terrible. It's not my best creation.