Intro to Art

Hand Drawing

For this drawing the only media that I used was a pencil. During this lesson the main skills that I learned are how to add value to my drawings so I can show texture and depth. My favorite part about this drawing is the metal part of the paint roller. It was a really hard part of the drawing to do but after I was finished with it then I realized that it looked pretty realistic and that I liked it a lot. 

Insect Painting

Something that I learned while we painted our insects was sometimes less is more. When trying to create detail instead of taking time to paint every small thing, just using hard contrasts in colors will give the same effect, if not better. One thing that I wish I did better was the colors. In the real picture the praying mantis' body was a lot lighter and matched the head a lot better. 

Clay Bowl

This was one of the first times I had ever made anything out of clay. Something that I learned was it it really difficult to get details on the bowl  because of how big the coils were. Something that I wish I had done better when making this bowl is that I took a little bit longer to smooth out the coils and connect them better. 

Clay pot

This was our intro project on our clay unit. I really liked this project because I had a lot of creative freedom when it came to what I was going to make. That is why this is one of my favorite projects that we have done. 


This project was definitely one of the harder projects that I have done because we had to have the whistle make sound and look good. Something that I would change is the paint job that I did. I don't think I did the best job on it and I could have taken a little more time on it. 

UnderWater Color

This was one of my least favorite projects that we have done. The reason for this was the fact that I didn't have very much control over the watercolor and where it was going. One thing that I did like about it though was when I was working on my project, it was very calming and therapeutic.


This was a very interesting project. I think my favorite part was getting to experiment with different paper mediums and colors of ink. Something that I think I could have done better taking more time applying ink and pressing it onto the paper because some of my prints were a little messy and not 100% amazing. 


This was such an amazing final project. It was hard enough for me to have to focus and really listen but easy enough where no matter your skill level, it will still look good. It also lets you show your personality because we get to engrave our name on it and pick what the outside looks like. If I had to do it again I think I would take more time on the name part and keep my lines crisp, but overall I really loved this project.