3d Art

TeXtured Bowl 

I really enjoyed doing this project because it was fun to print designs in the clay. Something that was difficult was putting all the sides up and conneting it all. I really liked this project overall and loved how it turned out. 


I loved this easy, fun project. I thought it was really fun and cool. My favorite part was glazing it. I would love to do something like this again. Overall great project. 


I loved this project because it was like customizing what you wanted on your project. It was things that represented you, I loved it. My favorite part was printing out my pictures and making it more about things that I love (My friends, family). Overall loved it, something that was challenging was doing the cardboard thing to make it 3d. Turned out looking good though. 

Clay Animal

I loved this project because it was unique and never thought I would be building something like this. I loved how we got taught how to do it, made it seem simple and overall way easier than I thought it would be. Something that was difficult for me was leveling out the legs to stay sturdy. 


This is the lamp project. My favorite part of this project is drilling the holes in the wood. I don't know if this was one of my favorite projects ever. But it was a fun thing to do for something different. 


This projects was a lot of fun to come up with a design and glazing was a couple of the best parts. I loved choosing the glazes and seeing how they turned out. I also loved taking them out of the kilm with Tara, kate, and Isaac. That day was memorable when the process ended up getting a little crazy.:) Overall this was a great project and I really enjoyed doing it.