Intro to Studio Art

Creative Lines Part 1

For our first project for the semester our class drew random lines and had to come up with drawing around these lines. For this drawing we had to learn how to use color pencils. For that reason I learned how you aren't supposed to apply less pressure if you want a lighter rather use a white colored pencil underneath or on top of the color. This piece of art was not my best work but really challenged my to think more creatively to be able to incorporate the lines with drawings. Because of this I believe it was a great first project and set me off on the right foot.

Creative Lines Part 2

This drawing is part 2 of the drawing before. It is different in that instead of each different line being a different drawing in this one big collective one. For this drawing I was having trouble getting inspired to create something but I eventually figured it out with the help of my sister. For this drawing a couple of the parts that I drew turned out better while other parts I'm not as happy with. Overall, I though my drawing was going to look worst and this taught me that I'm not always going to like everything I draw.

Clay Jar

Our fourth project for this semester was a clay jar. I decided to make a cylinder and create a design pattern that I like. I choose this because it is I really like patterns, so creating one myself and not only incorporating superficial designs like the lines but adding dept like the dashed lined and triangles. During this lesson I got to learn the various uses and different purposes of clay tools, adventuring to see which created a pattern that O desired. Near the bottom of jar the dashed line spacing is a little off, but overall I really enjoyed the end result of my jar.


3D Story

This was our third project of the semester. For this project we had to create a 3D model of a story that has happened to us using only materials in a paper bag that we had gotten at the begging of the year. My story is about at time we were at my friends farm and my sister was driving their golf cart late at night and be crashed into a tree. I really liked how it turned out because I wasn't sure how I was going to make the trees or get them to lean with the golf cart over it. I ended up using hot glue which worked great. Overall, I really like this project because it challenged my creative and putting a story into art.

Clay Bowl

For this project we used clay again. For the bowl we used the coil technique, this means that they designs that we had to come up with had to be in the form of coils. For that reason I choose to get as creative as I could without changing the coil form too much. I really enjoyed doing this project and I think it turned out really good, I wanted something random and abstract like and I think I accomplished my goal. One thing I could have improved was they rim of the bowl as it was a little funk, but I actually embraced it as it gives a cool funky, edgy dimension to the bowl.

Clay Whistle

This is the last project we did with clay. We made a whistle, that actually makes sound! For me the making the whistle and getting it to make a sound was the hard part. This is because you couldn't tell very well what you were doing, and we it made a sound I left it over the weekend and the sound went away! So, it took a lot of patience to get it to whistle. But the rest was easier I thought a lady bug would be a cute animal based on the general shape of the whistle. The only thing I would change is the face. I think the eyes turned out a little weird as I wasn't sure exactly how to go about it. But overall, I'm proud of my work and that it whistles!

Hand Drawing

For this project we took a picture of our hand holding an object. We then sketched the drawing based off the picture. I am not good at drawing so I am very impressed with how this turned out. During this project I learned how to get value while only using your pencil, by shading and blending. This piece is very meaningful to me because it is the best piece of art work that I have done, especial since it's a drawing because I am not good at drawing.

Water Color Animal

This is project we choose an animal and printed out the picture. We then traced the outline of the animal and water colored it in. I believe that this also turned out really good. I like doing watercolor, it was fun and taught me that water was my friend. I enjoyed the cool range and depth that it gave the jelly fish. I think this helped my water coloring skills as I was able to get more control over the paint brush, rather than making the picture look like a big blob of color.