Introduction to Studio Art

The nine lines, colored pencil project

I thought this was a great assignment. I really wanted to put a lot of effort in it. At first I was really skeptical of Mr. Langmaack telling us to press hard with the colored pencils. I was always taught that u go lightly. Once I learned Mr. Langmaack was right I found how much better it looked.

The Hand/ Tool Drawing

I really enjoyed this project as well. I missed the first two work days on this project and so I had to catch up a bit. Overall, I am really impressed by how it turned out. If I were to do it over again though, I would make my points lighter. I'm a bit disappointed by how they still sorta show through. I would like to work on my finger nails a bit more because I feel they could still be better but I played with what cards I had. I really had a lot of fun with this one.

Insect painting

This project was really cool. I had a lot of fun painting this and I only got a hint of paint on my sweatshirt. I learned a lot about how to improve my painting from like a 5th grader to highschooler. The most difficult part of this project was the blending of the background. I really struggled with that and keeping straight lines around the body. I was going through and endless list of pictures of insects and this one popped out and I'm glad I chose it.

Whistle sculpture

In this project I had very ambitious goals. I wanted to make a goat head which was a good idea. I just had bad execution. I needed the head to be smaller. I don't believe that I scored and slipped enough. So as a consequence it didn't really survive the kiln. I'm really sad that it blew up but I learned through it and at least it still whistles.

Whistle sculpture

After my last try at this project I was determined to make it better. This whistle didn't break but I rushed and forgot a few important elements I forgot to make ears and the nostrils. If I would have put in these elements I would be much more satisfied.

Clay jar project

In my shop class my second project of the year was to weld together a dice. I really enjoyed that project so I thought to myself, why don't I make one out of clay. I started out making one dice ... but I had so much fun that I decided to make a second. I thought I did a good job of forming it. I just wish I would have glazed it a little less sloppily.

Coil Bowl Project

I wasn't sure what would look good as a design and I decided to a geometric pattern with coil squares, coil hexagons, and coil triangles. When I put my design on the bowl it just so happened that it made a cool shape and I was pleased with that. I also really like the glaze job that I did. It took a long time but it looks amazing.

Watercolor Painting

This watercolor challenged me to chill out. I had to let it flow. I am a bit of a control freak and this project taught me to just let it go. I struggled with grasping some aspects and if I would start over the main thing that I would do is start super light because in some spots I started too dark. Overall, it was a fun project though.

Spot The Differences

This project was a bit tricky. I am not really computer literate so it took a bit of try and fail. But as you can see I made it through restarting twice once because my canvas was the wrong size and the other due to me being logged out. I still had fun with this project though. If I were to do this again I would save my picture after everyday. I hope people can look at my book and have a smile appear on their faces.

3D Art Story

This was a perfect quarantine project . I stayed up late one night to work on it and I think that it turned out very well. I was able to make three moving parts so my helicopter could spin the blades and the helicopter itself could spin and it could go up and down as if it was crashing. I used a rubberband to make the blades spin by themselves. I used a second paper bag to make the corn row furrows. I liked how I could do this project at my own pace so that I can do it and be done.