2D art 

Self Portrait

when creating this project I was engaged in the image reflecting  of God because I was drawing what God created. I tried to recreate Gods Image of me but also add a little bit of my style if art in there too. 

Food painting 

For this project we were asked to paint something food related. I decided to paint my favorite food witch was ribs. Ribs has been my favorite food since I was a kid so it was a no brainer not to paint it. I started out with the bones and the cutting board withc the ribs sit on. Then I started to paint the ribs, at first it was challenging to figure out the right color and to get the shinny glazed effect but i ended up doing it and Im happy with how the project came out. 

Scratch art 

In this project I decided to scratch a  picture of my favorite dog. The Presa canario is by far my favorite dog, its my dream dog. When IO get older Im gonna get two of them.  For this project we had to do an art technique I have never done or tried before. Scratch art was really challenging and time consuming but I tried my best and Im happy about the final product. 

Water color

In this project we were asked to water color paint a piece of architecture. I chose to do this log cabin. I chose it because I likes the design of the cabin and the little details like the bushes or the chairs and table on the porch. My favorite part about this project was painting th trees I feel like they came out pretty good. 

Color pencils 

For this project we were to draw some type of transportation vehicle. I chose my favorite car, a trackhawk. The project was my favorite of the school year. I liked how we got to chose our own cars and any angle of it. And I like that i was familiar with color pencils already so I fell like I crushed this project.