2D Art

Painting of Food Item

Being a big fan of everything related to pineapples, ie. how they grow, taste, blossom, etc., this choice of what to paint was a no-brainer; I didn't even need to think about it. I also love the culture that surrounds pineapples and all that goes with their rich and flavorful history. In short, I didn't knw how detailed they were until I started painting. That said, it was a welcome and necessary challenge, even if I hit some roadblocks along the way.

Colored Pencil Drawing

I thoroughly enjoyed this project as it let me see my car, as well as what colored pencils can do, in a new light. Though there were roadblocks at times, overall I am mostly satisfied by the end result, as you can tell it is a representation of my car.

Self-Portrait Project

Though I got tired of staring at my face and surely frustrated Mr. Langmaack to no end, I enjoyed this project. I think it looks like me, which was the goal from the outset. I thoroughly enjoyed this class this year.