Intro To Art

Creative Lines

This is my creative lines project. I did a under water scene because it was probably the easiest to do and think of.  I think colored pencils are my favorite thing to color with.  This was a fun project but it took a lot of concentration to finish it.

Hand Drawing

This is my Hand drawing. This drawing took a long time and a lot of brain. It was really helpful to  me cause now I know how to shade and how to make somthing doudle in  size. This drawing has probably took the longest to make than any other project I have done.


This Is my Painting. I painted this picture off a picture I took when I was up in the mountains. Painting this painting helped me know how to paint from a different perspective. It also helped me paint a lot more wildlife cause I used to tend to paint little things. 

Clay Jar

This Jar project was probaly my favorte project for art yet. I liked it cause it was uniqe to build and fun. On my project I should have made by crack not angled as much as I did. I should have not did thst because the top layer kind of slides.

Clay Whistle

This project was fun and I was not expecting how difficult it was. I had to keep restarting because I kept messing with it to where I was messing with it for to long. I think it was still really fun and I learned that I need to be a little more patient. I also think that it helped me learn how to shape clay really well.

Clay Bowl

This clay project was probably my favorite out of the clay projects. It was my favorite because I already was good at shaping clay which made my bowl look really good. This took a little bit of time to get threw but was really fun. I really didn't have any problems which made it go fast.

Oil Pastels

This project was a blast. I had fun doing it and the good thing about this project it if you mess up it an´t that hard to fix that mistake.  I also thought this project came out the best compared to my other projects.

Water Color

This project was also one of my better projects. This project also reminds me of all the fun I had with my table group while working. I feel like this project got me really into art.