2D Art

Self Portrait

For this project, we were told to draw a self portrait. I was really nervous because I am not that confident in my artistic abilities but it was really cool to see how it came together. It was very challenging but we took it part by part and little by little it came together. It is so rewarding to see how you can actually draw something that looks like yourself.  I have never done something like this and it was really fun to learn how to use pencils to make something this realistic!

Oil Painting

This was my favorite project this year! It was fun to have take creative liberties and try a new medium. It was a lot more forgiving then pencils and I found it a lot easier to work with paint. At first it was hard to find my groove but it got easier with time.  It was really nice because if you messed up you could just redo it because oil paints take a long time to dry. I really enjoyed this poject.

Scratch Art

I was definitely most hesitant about this project but I ended up really liking my finished work. It was the hardest one yet though. Starting was the most difficult but after that it became a little easier. It was intimidating because if you messed up you could not undo it like the other projects. I was really excited about doing a sea otter because they are so cute, so I am happy with how it turned out. It was a super interesting process because I have never seen a project like this. 


The only instruction we were given for this project was to pick a piece of architecture that we've been too. A lot of my summers have been spent at Dodger Stadium so I figured that would be perfect. It was challenging to learn how to water color and the different techniques but really cool. This was honestly my least favorite project just because it was the hardest for me but I did enjoy learning a new method of art!

Colored Pencil

This was by far my favorite project! I love hot air balloons so this was really fun to do. I wanted do something really colorful so a hot air balloon was perfect. It was really relaxing coming to class and just color. I felt confident in what I was doing unlike some of my other projects so that was nice. I loved how it turned out. At first I was a little hesistant about what to do because I could've just colored the squares all one color but I decided to do some shading to give it more dimension which made it look really good. It was definitely a perfect project to end on because it was not stressful and it was just really enjoyable.