Intro to Art

Hand Drawing

For my hand project, I am very happy with the way my hand drawing turned out. In the very beginning when we were working on these, I thought to myself, "Wow I am going to fail this project." But in the end, I am so happy with the way my project turned out. One of the hardest parts of this project for me was the value and reading my hand picture when it was lighter and darker. But in the end, I am so happy with the way my drawing turned out, and I'm glad I never gave up!

Insect Painting

For my insect painting, I chose to do a butterfly. I had a hard time with the big leaf on the outside with the way all the colors were supposed to be combined with how I was supposed to make the butterfly look like it's on top of the leaf. But I am very happy with how it turned out and I love the border color with my picture. It really brings out the blue of the butterfly I feel like. I'm so glad about how my painting turned out and am so glad that I finished off strong!

Clay Jars

For my jars, I chose to make nothing and I really like how they turned out. I like how they are all different in their own ways and unique. I do wish I might have done a different color because it looked a lot brighter before I put it in the fire but im okay with how it turned out. Im really gald with how it turned out in the end and am proud of what I made!

Clay Whistle

For my whistle, I attempted to make a ton of different things in the making. At first, I was going to make it like a pig, then I was going to make french fries but then it ended up looking like a puffer fish so I just added eyes to it and there you have it, a pufferfish! I struggled a little bit with painting around the eyes because it was hard to not get the black onto the yellow. I learned that it is ok to make mistakes and that if you aren't sure what you want to make it into you got to just play around with it and then you end up creating something you would have never thought of. All in all, I am very proud of how this turned out and it is very unique and different in its own and special ways.

Clay Bowl

For my bowl, I wanted to do it all like one print. I wanted to do a color that not everyone else was doing and decided to go with royal blue. In the picture, it looks a lot darker than what it really is. I really like how it turned out and how it is kind of fun and unique. It was really hard to get inside the cracks all the way with the paint but I think I accomplished that goal pretty well with how many cracks there are. All in all, I am very proud of my bowl and how it turned out.

Watercolor Painting

In the beginning of this project I did not think I was really going to like watercolor that much. But as we started going I started to actually enjoy it. It was a little stressful with the background when you had to go really fast but I learned from my mistakes and am really happy with how it turned out. All in all, I am really happy with how my watercolor dolphin turned out and would love to do it again!

Bird Printmaking

I learned a lot on this project that I did not know before. I had no idea that this is how you print make. I thought the process of this is really cool. One thing that was hard for me was carving out my swan and then not putting to much or to little of ink on it. I did do a lot of practice with the printmaking before I choice my five to go in the book. I would say that this was really fun to do but I also felt like you just would do the same thing every day. I really liked how we could mix up the ink and have fun with doing different colors of printmaking. That was really cool to see how some of them turned out. All in all, I am very happy with how my swan printmaking turned out!

Copper Foambox

During the process of making this box I learned a lot. One thing especially was learning how to measure and cut the shape to make the box the right size. But as we kept measuring I seemed to do a little better each time. Another struggle I had was trying not to make the paper rip while doing it. But all in all I loved the paper and really liked how it turned out in the end. Im very happy with everything and how it turned out. I also love the way the name pops out on the silver and that part was really fun to do.

Spot the Differences

For starters, I would say that the spot the differences project was probably my least favorite project we did. I wasn't the biggest fan of doing like computer things in art class and it was a lot of videos to watch and such. I did like the final product though and love how they go to a dentist for kids to look at while they wait instead of going on a phone. I think that part of the project is really good but just the making of it was not my favorite part. I did like the partner aspect of the project though so maybe if there was like another project you could do with a partner would be really cool still.