
For this project I expect to have difficulty with blending colors and getting the shadows/shading right. I want to pursue possibility water color or oil pastels. I think that these will be the most interesting choices. I am excited to try my best at making a portrait for these kids.

The last four weeks of practice let me explore some of the many different art styles. Some of them were more difficult for me than others. I think that I struggled most with the water color. However through these practices I learned about different ways to do detail and to make shadows through blending. The medium that I chose was oil pastel. I chose this because I really enjoyed how smooth the blending went. I think I can improve on my practice so I want to give this a shot.

My favorite part of this project was getting to experience the new art style of oil pastels. I liked being able to shade and add different elements that correspond to the picture itself. A part that was difficult for me was adding detail but I think It worked out well. I really enjoyed the end product. When this child receives her portrait I hope that she feels happy as well as cared for. I would tell her that God loves her as do we.