2-D Art


For my pencil I did myslef. I like how this turned out. I think the eyes are the coolest part of the whole thing. I struggled with my mouth trying tomake it look good. I also could have practiced my hair more and I think that could of helped my whole project.  If I'm being honest this is probably my least favorite project it was hard because it was yourslef and I struggled with it.

Food Painting-"EGGS"

For my food painting I chose to do eggs. I did this because our family has chickens and we collect there eggs daily. I knew it would be fun to hang in our house and it has a purpose. throughout my painting my favorite part of the painting was the towel it went by fast and it looks really good. the carton was the hardest part of the painting trying to get it to a way I like was really difficult. 

Scratch Art- "COW"

For my scratch are I did a calf. We live on a dairy and we are around animals I would say the calf is my favorite. I used to work with them when I was younger and it was really fun and memories I will never forget. This was probably one of my favorite projects in 2-D art. I got it done quick and I love how it turned out. the muzzle is my favorite thing about it and I loved doing it.

Water Color-"HOUSE"

For my water color I did our old house. This was a fun one not my favotire but I did enjoy doing it. I worked on all of the green first and did my house last. I brought it home and my parents loved it.