
For this project we are making a portrait for a child that lives in Cameroon. This is called the Memory Project, and we are working with a guy from Wisconsin. First we are going to try four different methods of doing the portrait, pencil, oil pastels, color pencil, and watercolor.

The last few weeks of practicing these different kind of portraits were very educational. I realized that I really did not enjoy doing some, like the color pencil and pencil. But I loved doing others, like the oil pastel and watercolor. I learned that I prefer to do more abstract kinds of art and not as precise like the pencils. I am going to do oil pastel because it was my favorite to do, and I can express myself way more. I am looking forward to doing a complete portrait and giving it to Mary in Cameroon.

I really enjoyed doing this project, I have never done oil pastel before and it was fun. The process was pretty seamless except that I couldn't figure out how to do the lips. I think that my final product turned out very well and I am excited for Mary to receive it. I really hope that she is happy with it and it makes her day!