
This project we will be drawing or creating pictures of and for Pakistan kids and then we will be sending them the photos we gave them. I plan on drawing the picture in colored pencils because I think that it will look the best and have the best outcome. My biggest fear that I will mess up or won't be able able to finish in time with it looking good. Yet, I am excited to create a meaningful gift for someone and being able to impact their life, hopefully in a good way, whether its small or large.

Going into the project I wanted to do colored pencil because I thought that it would look the best. As we were working on the projects I didn't realize how hard many of the other styles were. Even though I had done it before, it took me a while to get use to shading with pencil and getting the right values. I found the most success and confidence with colored pencil. I did struggle with the cheek at first, but it became more natural to work with it as I practiced. The biggest challenge in water color was keeping the painting wet, and It seemed like for the time I spent on it i didn't make very much progress. I struggled a lot more with the acrylic than I anticipated. Getting the right colors and dimension was super hard. I liked the outcome of my pointillism, but the whole time working on it I felt kinda lost and I didn't really know what I was doing.

I really liked this project and I had a lot of fun working on it. I liked getting to use the many different styles of art to get an image of what they all looked like. I was happy with what my choice of using colored pencil and I think it came out better than any of the other options would have. It was also nice to be able to put our own touch on it by being allowed to choose what we did with the background. Although I felt a lot of pressure with this project, I'm glad with how my art turned out and I think that this is a cool thing that we get to do for others with art.

After watching the video I felt very happy for the kids and I am super glad that I was able to be apart of this program. It was really amazing to see all the kids reactions to getting their pictures. I think that this project is really great and that you should do this next year with that advanced art class. If there was anything I'd recommend doing is that I think you should show them a video of the kids receiving a previous classes art because I think that would be very motivating and would make the class strive to do their best.