
This project was my first time working with clay and i really enjoyed it. I struggled with carving out designs, so i ended up with a pretty simple box, but i was able to make it more interesting and unique with the glaze.

For this project we experimented on the pottery wheel. It was pretty difficult for me, so i didn't end up with very many pieces, and centering the clay on the wheel is way harder than it looks, but glazing was a lot of fun. I really like the way my bowls turned out and I would enjoy making more now that i have some experience.

Foam Art

We carved and shaved a piece of foam into our desired shape. For my project, I chose to make a peach. Shaping the foam was a bit challenging at first, but once I formed the basic shape it became a lot easier. I really enjoyed the painting part of this project.

Logo Art

This was my favorite project in this class. I didn't run into any problems when creating my logo, I found it very easy to build and the paper mache and decorating was a lot of fun. I also enjoyed how customizable this project was. The B doubles as a paint palette because i enjoy art, and the A is a collage of magazine cutouts and images i printed that inspire me.