Introduction To Art

Insect Painting

This painting took me a very long time. It didnt seem possible to blend it. But after time I figured it out. I decided that i wanted my painting to be colorful. Thats when this thing happened.

Water Color

The water color was a very fun painting to do. Although it was difficult to keep the color in the lines you can always find a way to help it blend with water color. I enjoyed it and would maybe do it again.

Pencil Drawing

This drawing was really fun. I think the hardest part about it was not shading or drawing . It was actually finding the right spots to put our dots so that we know how to make this scale to out actual hand. It was fun and I would do it again.

Clay Whistle

The clay whistle is my favorite of our projects. It was fun and probably one of my favorite of my creations. I made a whistle that was quite louder than everyone elses. So naturally I made it into something that I know well and that is loud. A chainsaw.

Clay Bowl

I enjoyed making this clay bowl because I am mutch better with working with clay than I am with paint. I also enjoy glazing it because it is a simple process .

The clay pot was fun but disapointing. I ended up cutting the lid too jagged to once I put the glaze on it dulled and created a lid that could slide. Although I messed up it was fun learning how to properly use clay and how to glaze it.