Alexa VanderPoel

I really like how this drawing turned out, I feel like it turned out better than what I expected. If I had to change anything about my drawing I would probably like to fix up the finger tips and spend more time on shading better. While making this project I learned a lot about drawing, you don't just look at a picture and draw it as close as possible, there is a lot with perspective and shading.

For this pot I am pretty happy about how it turned out, I still need lots of practice. I am kinda bummed about the mistake on the eye. Other than that I feel like it is a cool pot and different than sticking to the regular rectangle. I will say clay is my favorite to do but I still have a lot to work on before I start getting good at working with clay.

This bowl project is by far my favorite. It was a lot of fun to mess with the clay and put it on and having to wait till you were finished to see the finished product. I was very happy about how this turned out, I was very skeptical when I was putting it together thinking it would turn out the total opposite of what I wanted but it turned out a lot better than expected. I thought this was a very cool project because of the wait and it was different from a lot of other projects I've done.

I am really happy the way this turned out. At first I thought it wasn't that great but the finished product of this caterpillar is better than expected. Something I would do better is not spend so much time trying to perfect it but to just go with the flow. I did have a hard time doing this project but it was worth it in the end.

I like the way this turned out. It was hard using yellow with blue since they always mixed. But overall I think it looks okay. I thought it was a lot more fun and easier to watercolor than paint with acrylics.