3D Art

Clay Bowl

I chose to make a bowl so that I could use it to eat out of, for example when hosting a party and I need something pretty to serve appetizers in. I chose this teal color with the gold in the details so that it would make the stamping pop out. I chose to put in shapes like the triangular shapes at the top and the flowers in the middle to give my bowl some contrast while still matching. My goal in this project was to build a beautiful bowl that could be used, and I think I succeeded. My favorite part about my bowl is the color and how it is shimmery and rustic at the same time. It isn't perfect, like the slanted and mishappen patterns, but that's part of what gives it it's charm.

Mandala Plate

I chose the design on this plate because it looks like a beautiful flower, kind of like the one from the Disney movie, Rapunzel.  I chose the turquoise color to match the bowl that I made. My goal for this project was to challenge myself a little more than the last project by choosing a complex design with a very small intricate design. The only thing I wish could have been better the color I chose for the plate ended up being way brighter than the bowl, so it doesn't match the bowl as well as I thought, but they are both really pretty and turned out just how I intended. My favorite part about the plate is the bright vibrant color in contrast to the white design. I might end up using this plate as a little serving plate for parties as well as the bowl.



Personal Logo

I chose this shape for my logo because it stands for my name, Ella Rose Lucile Schmidtlin. The initials E.R.L.S are merged together to form my full name. I put a  rose in the center to represent my middle name, Rose, and because it is my favorite flower.  On the top left, I put photos of my dogs and a heart because I love them. Down to the left of the rose, I wrote "California Beach" to represent my love for California's beaches because I grew up around them, so they are my favorite place to be. On the top right, I drew a microphone and notes to represent my love for music and singing. Next to that, I drew the iconic "Broadway" sign as well as my favorite Broadway shows. On the bottom left, I wrote "city" with a dashed line towards "country" to represent my move from where I grew up in the city (Born in Los Angeles, then moved to San Francisco) to the countryside. On the bottom right, I drew the Eiffel tower to represent that I am French and an American flag as well as the statue of liberty to represent my American side because I was born French-American. On the right side I put the photo I took when I went to Switzerland and a photo of my family and I in France to represent my love for travel.  On the left I put one of my favorite bible verses, Corinthians 13:4-6 as well as some art, one that I painted myself of a ballerina, and the other an edited photo my mom made of me dancing when I was little. 

In this project, I learned to build 3-dimensional things using card-stock, tape, and paper mache. My goal for this project was to create something that represents the entirety of myself and who I am.  I hoped for my project to look like this, but many impulsive decisions led me to what is now the final product. If I could redo the project, I would definitely think more about the placement of the elements on my logo, and focus less on the details, and more on the broad concept of just who I am. I feel I am a very complicated person and their are a lot of things that I love do, so it looks a little jumbled. I also would have filled up more of the blank spaces. When I realized how many blank spaces there were, I decided to turn this into an unfinished piece of art that I could add onto as my identity and interests change. 

Clay Animal

I sculpted my Great Pyranees dog named Beau. This breed is very large and white. They come from the Pyranees mountains, in the Alps between France and Switzerland. Beau is a very sweet and cuddly dog. He is big and fluffy and loves to be around people. I painted his collar with the French flag and his name. My favorite part of this project was the texture and the painting. The most challenging part of this project was sculpting him because forming clay is not my forte, and his legs kept breaking and falling off, so that was very discouraging. I was able to finish him, though, and I feel like I did better than I thought I could, considering the hurdles I had to get over throughout the process.