
Tutoring hours and location

Tutoring is happening EVERY Tuesday-Thursday BEFORE and AFTER school.

For students in search of tutoring:

    • Tutoring is not scary and it is perfectly normal to ask for help! Please come as needed to get some extra support from our NHS students. Whether it is understanding difficult math, studying vocabulary for your foreign language class, or editing a paper for english, our members want to help you succeed.

    • If you fill out the online form linked below with the date(s) that you need help along with the subject, we will make sure to have someone available and willing to help your specific need. This is especially helpful if you are taking more advanced classes such as AP classes or higher level math/ language classes, as not all of our members can help with every subject area. Thank you!

For NHS members:

    • A minimum of 10 tutoring hours are required, but you may tutor more often to fulfill the 20 total hour requirement

    • It is recommended that you sign up to tutor at least once a week, this can be done by submitting the form sent to your school email on Fridays with your availability for the upcoming week.

    • While it is understood that high school students have other obligations; sports, work, and extracurricular activities are not a valid excuse for not getting your minimum required hours. There are many options both before and after school every week and it is expected that you make time to get your hours in.

    • If no students show up for tutoring in the afternoons, you may leave by 3:10

Link for NHS member HOURS LOG