Alysia Shang


Serves as a leader of Link Crew by setting a vision and goals for the school year.

Oversees Team Captains and serves as a liaison among captains, and as a liaison between captains and coordinators. 

Runs weekly business meetings and meets regularly with coordinators. 

Prepares and delivers a monthly report to Link Crew Coordinators, as well as presents a biannual report on Link Crew

Alison Yamada


Serves as a liaison between Link Crew and ASB and Arcadia High School Administration. 

Attends Freshman Class Council meetings, as well as provides leadership and support to Freshman Class Council. 

Melody Chen


Creates Leadership Meeting and Business Meeting agendas, as well as records minutes for the Leadership and Business meetings. 

Submits forms for events (i.e. activity, facility, and maintenance) and finances (i.e. request to spend money), as well as manages the Administrative Request Log. 

Maintains a record of attendance.

Grace Yang


Manages Link Crew Accounting and Budget, as well as delivers updates to Link Crew Leadership class. 

Submit forms for finances(i.e. deposit and reimbursements) and turn in money along with it.

Creates an annual budget for Link Crew Leadership.