Tuesday Clubs


Kare4Kids is a service club dedicated to teaching, encouraging, and building friendships with children. Our goal is to help members develop their communication skills and create a network through which they can meet new people and foster new relationships. We volunteer at events hosted by elementary school PTA's and other events, such as Thanksgiving Packaging and Operation Christmas Child. Each year, we participate in Relay For Life, where we sell origami cranes and donate the proceeds to children with leukemia.

Sign Up Form: https://forms.gle/EF3MNGWfHJywQp7i9

Instagram: @kare4kidsahs

Meeting Time: 1:00 PM

Link to Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/QqUR1KHLGY9aWZKN6

Who to Contact: Elise Fong (30509@students.ausd.net)

Clubs Day Video


Gain a deeper understanding of biology and prepare for the annual USA Biolympiad competition

Sign Up Form: https://forms.gle/wos16n3r1gonqNXy8

Meeting Time: 2:00 PM

Who to Contact: Tanya Lee (27328@students.ausd.net)

Affinity for Animals

Affinity for Animals is a club that aims to spread awareness and educate AHS students upon the topic of animals. Whether it be adoption, animal welfare, environmentalism, current events, or lesser-known species, Affinity for Animals covers all things animal!

Sign Up Form: https://forms.gle/r2H7QXEkHstwzJno8

Instagram Page: @affinityforanimals

Meeting Time: 2:15 PM

Link to Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/oLB1UQzDtDgGB9Rj8

Who to Contact: Devon Wong (27244@students.ausd.net)

afa virtual clubs day video.mp4

Vietnamese Culture Club

The Vietnamese Culture Club (VCC) aims to connect the Vietnamese-American community at Arcadia High School by promoting awareness and appreciation of Vietnamese culture. Our goal is to foster a safe and welcoming environment for members to gain a sense of personal relevance and inclusivity. Along with exposing students from different backgrounds to Vietnamese culture, we also strive to provide members who may have lost touch with their roots the opportunity to reconnect with their heritage. VCC members can take part in social and cultural activities that focus on preserving Vietnamese history and heritage through the immersion of Vietnamese history, customs, politics, food, and traditions; as well as day trips and culture nights outside of school.

Sign Up Form: https://forms.gle/g95982EfWtNrShbm9

Instagram Page: @ahsvcc

Meeting Time: 2:00 PM

Who to Contact: Rachel Quach (28461@students.ausd.net)

Campus Environmentalist Club

The Campus Environmentalist Club is a club devoted to raising awareness on environmental issues around the globe in hopes that we can all take steps as a community to formulate a better world in which we stop the irreversible effects of climate change from occurring.

Sign Up Form: https://forms.gle/ZqxfpeoH6vuCqCsw8

Instagram Page: @ahs.cec

Meeting Time: 1:30 PM

Who to Contact: Tiffany Zhuo (tiffanyzhuo28119@gmail.com)


Astrophysics/STEM Club

We introduce topics in astrophysics and cosmology in an interesting way. You don't need to have any prior knowledge to investigate the mystery of black holes and existence of aliens with us.

Sign Up Form: https://forms.gle/wj5jpVSGtYPd3JrJA

Meeting Time: 4:00 PM

Who to Contact: Morgan Qi (41916@students.ausd.net)