
By: Devin DiCarlo

This is the outside of the forbidden city

The gate to get into the main part of the forbidden city

A veiw of the gate from the other side

Another gate in the city

A famous piece of artwork called the nine dragons

This is a picture of a throne

The boys eating a huge meal

The moat outside of the city

An overview of the city from the top of a hill

The boys in a conga line walking around

The boys posing

A statue of a lion

The reconitional tomb to Mao

Two girls that wanted to take a picture with us while we were sitting down

Two old people that wanted a picture with us

The boys trying to do a jumping pose

A view from the top of the Great Wall

The boys on the wall

A scenic stretch of the wall

A senic overview of the wall

The boys on the top of the Wall

A picture of Keita, Liu Lao Shi, and Devin at the highest point that we could go

The boys posing on the wall

Photo of us posing for the camera

Photo of us one minute before boarding the train

A gate to the Xi'an city wall

Some of the boys biking the city wall

Luc holding up keita

The boys posing for picture on the wall

One of the gates on the city wall

Lucas posing on the city wall

Luc posing on his bike on the city wall

A scenic photo

The boys and Liu Lao Shi posing in front of a bell tower

The bell tower that is really close to our hotel

The small wild goose pagoda

Luc and Devin posing in front of the big bell

Dr. U, Andrew, and Lucas hitiing the big bell

Mr. Reddington's action shot of him hitting the bell

Liu Lao Shi, Luc, and Devin all asleep

A picture of little dolls in a mausoleum.

Students in the Pung lu village school

Students singing in class

Keita playing piano for the class

The school doing their morning exercises

Luc and Devin taking a photo with a few teachers

The boys jumping rope in PE class

A famous lake in Xi'an

Group photo on a bridge

Scenic picture of the rocks next to the lake

Photo of us in boats on the lake

Group photo in front of a stone with writing. The writing on the stone means bendy river.

Night photo on the streets

The big wild goose pagoda

The boys taking a picture with the person who found the terra-cotta soldiers

Photo of the warriors

Another photo of the warriors

A larger photo of the warriors

A group photo of us in front of the terra-cotta warriors

Small over view of the terra-cotta warriors

Panorama of the terra-cotta

The bronze chariot

The boys on the escalator

A group photo of us catching the midnight train

Group photo with our tour guide Charlie in front of the largest mosque in China

The boys doing a sick Wushu pose

The boys doing a serious pose with the rice hat