




"Follow your dreams, but before you begin, remember happiness shines from within."

It's Only the Beginning

This unexpected journey started with a small step out of my comfort zone. Every new person I have met and every new project I have joined has enhanced my life, challenged me and taught me many new things.

There are a few people who I am particularly grateful for, my best friend Rachael Rushton who dared me to pick up acting. None of this would have happened if not for her. All the lecturers and staff at SAE have been amazing, but I believe I learned the most from Strutts. The librarian Luke has been a life saver and my classmate Carl who was so supportive when working with me on our group projects. I am also very thankful to John Fox, David Black and all the cast and crew that I've worked with along the way. More recently I am greatful to my cast and crew of Coffin Run especially Alexander Robinson and Larrisa Skidmore-Trovato. Everyone in the whole team was a real pleasure to work with.

I still feel excitement with every new project and every new adventure. I hope this path will take me much further.

I am quite proud of the short films I have made and the skills I have learned. I'm always eagerly learning more and making better creations.

When looking at my previous projects compared to what I have accomplished more recently I see a huge improvement. Although there is still room for improvement, I know, with time and experience I will reach an even higher level of quality in my work.

I have so many stories to tell and so many things to do. I want to make something really memorable, make a really big mark on history. Something that changes people's lives for the better.

"The Price of Art"

Written and Directed


Vixey Teh

Access to 2018 Blog
