Dev Log Day 1 220423

Firstly, to get me in the mood for this, I'm listening to this music. I know it's 10 hrs, but that just means I can listen to it all weekend. I've got various images I need to take, and videos I need to watch. Then at the end of each day I'm going to make an extra video showing what I have done that day.

The plan hopefully will be:

Day 1 - work on player movements and attack

Day 2 - work on enemies movement and attack

Day 3 - make sure I have my health, powerups, etc sorted

Day 4 - build a world for everything to be in

Day 5 - place everything in my world and get events sorted

And hopefully at the end of that I'll have something I can put in at the end of Week 12.

Day 1

I've already been working on my player movement before now, but it's not finished yet. There's a number of issues. But there's 2 main ones that I need to work on.

  • He falls very slowly.

    • The video to the right is about correcting that, but I'm not interested in fall damage, so I'll leave that bit out.

  • He hits small objects and can't go over them.

    • That's probably because of the capsule collider, so currently I have that raised, but that just causes him to sink.

Currently I'm considering not worrying about changing the way he moves, where he runs in the direction you press. It's not what I want, but I think I can live with it for now.

Today I also want to have a look at his attacking and giving him a sprint and dash linked to a stamina bar. This Youtuber has likely done this kind of thing in his stuff, so I should be able to do something similar. Might be why I have a Player Manager script at the moment, might be for his stats.

This was a very informative video. Explaining why and how things were going to interact with each other. With the Player Manager sitting in the middle calling on the other scripts to do things. While they are all called by the Player Manager they interact with each other, such as the Locomotion interacting with the Animation scripts.

My only issue with this is that there are a lot of things I don't WANT to do at this stage that he is planning on doing. So I think I need to rethink things a little. And I may be able to do some things in a simpler format than he uses.

I don't want things like Inventory. But I do want player Stats, like health and stamina.

So what I might do is go back a bit, start a new empty game, and make some of my own scripts and use the scripts we used previously in the early weeks. So it'll make things make sense for me more, hopefully.

Movement is still my biggest annoyance. And it really annoys me that he moves a bit funny and not so smooth. UGH!

Things progressed rather well today.

I created a number of scripts as you'll see below, and they are generally working with each other. My only trouble at the moment is getting my health and stamina scripts to actually work. I watched the video to the right, and things seemed ok, but there's 2 parts of it I can't get to work right. The bar's won't fill with health, and the actions still work even though there is no stamina there.

Something to work on.

But what did I get done today?

  • I have my player moving forward/backward/turning with WASD.

  • I have a sidestep ability on NumPad 4 and attack on NumPad 8.

  • I have the walk and attack animated! This felt so good.

  • I have a player character with a sword. Though the sword needs a collider trigger.

  • I have stats for my character that are being accessed by other scripts and used, yay!

I didn't quite finish everything I wanted to finish, but I have enough to be able to move onto the next thing tomorrow and get things moving.