
A type of photography aimed toward capturing the personality of a person or group of people. It is where a person, animal or an object are in focus and are the main focus of the picture.

F-Stop = 5.6

Shutter Speed = 1/80

F-Stop = 5.6

Shutter Speed =1/80

F-Stop = 8

Shutter Speed = 1/400

F-Stop = 5.6

Shutter Speed = 1/80

F-Stop = 8

Shutter Speed =1/100

F-Stop = 5.6

Shutter Speed =1/80

F-Stop = 5.6

Shutter Speed = 1/80

F-Stop = 5.6

Shutter Speed =1/100

F-Stop = 5.6

Shutter Speed = 1/80

F-Stop = 5.6

Shutter Speed = 1/80