Famous photographer project- Man Ray

Portrait of young Paul Eluard , 1922

In back of Chateau de Clavary 1920

Hattie Carnegie wearing a vionnet dress 1933

Portrait of half hidden man with expressive hands 1920-1930


Man Ray was born in Philadelphia to a family of textile craftsmen on August 27 1890. His real name was Emmanuel Radnitsky and he became a pillar of 20th- century art. 

He was an American visual artist who spent most of his career in Paris. He was best known for pioneering photography . also noted for his work with photograms which he called rayograms in reference to himself. 

Man Ray was forced to flee France due to the war in 1940 and relocated to Los Angeles where he met his wife. 

He is most remembered for his photographs of the inter-war years.

Tears, 1930-1932

Lighting- this was shot inside with stage lighting

composition is very zoomed in, full frame 

Similarities- both the models are women who have mascara on. 

Differences- the actual photograph is using water where Peyton has sequence, the angles are different along with where the eyes are looking. 

Lighting- inside with stage light 

Lighting- shot inside with stage lighting 

Composition- rule of thirds

Similarities- both images are side profiles, both women 

differences-  picture on the left the women is looking towards the side where Peyton is not. right side is a little more zoomed in.

 Lighting- inside with stage light 

Composition- rule of thirds, peyton is more on the left side of the frame

Lee Miller 1930

Lighting- natural light and stage lighting

Composition-  fill the frame, the eye is taking up the whole background 

Similarities-  both of the eyes are in the exact spot

differences- the eye on the left is a little more relaxed, and a little more zoomed in

Lighting- insdie stage lighting 

Composition- filling the frame 

Lee Miller 1928

Lighting- inside stage lighting

Compositon- filing the frame, the image takes up the whole screen 

similarities- hand is covering mouth 

differences- opposite hand, color of photo is different, right side is lighter . mouth is completely covered

Lighting- inside stage lighting

composition- filling the frame