Famous Photographer Project

Robert Capa 

Robert Capa

Photos that I am not doing 

Photos THAT I am doing

The Promenade, Tel Aviv Beach 1948

How Capa Controlled the Light 

He controlled the light by using the sun because even though it's black and white , I can still see the sun shining through. 



How I Controlled the Light

I controlled the light by also using the light from outside, it wasn't that sunny outside, but I could still use the natural light from outside. 

Exibart Street

How he controlled light 

He used the natural light to make this photo



How I controled light 

I used the natural light to make my photo 

Running from shelter during the air raid alarm as General Franco's troops rapidly approached the city

Barcelona, Spain January, 1939

How he controlled light 

He used the natural light to capture this photo.



How I controlled light 

I used the natural light from outside to make my photo.

Death of a loyalist militiaman at the Cordoba front. 

Spain, September, 1936

How Capa Controlled the Light 

He controlled the light by using the sun and the natural light from the outside. 



How I Controlled the Light 

I controlled the light by using two different ring lights.