William Eggleston

Facts about Eggleston

William Eggleston was born January 27th, 1939

He's credited with increasing recognition in colored photography.

He has taken over 1.5 million photographs

He uses a Leica camera with a custom mounted F/90  Canon lens.

Five recreations of William Eggelston's work

Memphis, Tennessee, USA 1973


Similarities: Facing Same Direction, Holding Something, Building in Background

Differences: Different Clothing, Holding different items, Head is down

Composition: Centered

Lighting: Natural

Memphis, Tennessee, USA 1960

Posted Up

Similarities: People standing, trees, standing the same

Differences: Vinny is not a girl, diffrent clothes, on sidewalk

Composition: Centered

Lighting: Natural

Memphis, Tennessee, USA 1979


Similarities: Inside a freezer, Food inside of freezer.

Differences: No ice, less food

Composition:  Rule of thirds

Lighting: Room Lights

Memphis, Tennessee, USA 1970


Similarities: Taken in dark bathroom, 

Differences: Taken in shower, different colored tiles, flash

Composition: Pattern

Lighting: Dim light