Eliot Porter

Eliot Porter

Eliot Porter was born on December 6, 1901 in Winnetka, Illinois, U.S.. Unfortunately he passed away on November 2 of 1990 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

To photograph birds, a beloved subject, he used a system of strobe lights. He would typically spend several hours composing the scene.

Porter’s first photographs of birds were in black and white. However, in the early 1940s he began using the new "Kodachrome" colored film.

In the 1960s, he began a long-term collaboration with the Sierra Club to produce books focusing on the preservation of natural resources.

His exquisite prints earned him a Guggenheim Fellowship and a show at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Moss, Waterfall, Cinders


Pool In A Brook


Couverville Island, Antarctica


Spruce Trees in Fog


Antlers & Stump 


Maple Leaves & Pine Needles


Shutter Speed: 1/80th

F-Stop: F7.1

Redbud Tree in Bottom Land


Shutter Speed: 1/80th

F-Stop: F7.1

Pond, Grass and Lily Pads