Pleasant Valley Community School District
Health Office
Welcome to the Pleasant Valley Community School District Health Office website. Our primary goal is to promote wellness and to maximize the link between academic achievement and student health and well-being. A cumulative health record is maintained for each student. Please inform the nurse of any changes or developments in your child's health.
Iowa Dept of Public Health website:
Dental Health:
Sibling Support Group:
Support groups for grieving or traumatized children.
Quad City Health Initiative:
Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Partnerships to Improve Community Health (PICH) program, Be Healthy QC (BHQC), operating through the QUAD CITY HEALTH INITIATIVE, is working to develop enhanced comprehensive school wellness policies and create Safe Routes to School travel plans as part of overall efforts to promote healthy eating and physical activity.
Schools understand that student wellness is directly correlated to student academic success and school leaders are determined to offer all students the opportunity to learn about, choose, and try healthy foods as part of their everyday school experience.
Child Health & Dental Insurance Resources:
Scott County Health Department staff can help your family connect with health, dental and other insurance resources.
(563) 328-4114
Please report symptoms to the office when your child misses school due to illness:
Fever - A child with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher should not attend school. The child should be fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to school.
Sore Throat/Colds/Cough - Minor cold symptoms are common and usually don't interfere with school attendance. A persistent, frequent cough and/or constant nasal drainage may affect your child's performance at school, and he/she may be more comfortable at home. A cough or breathing that sounds different than usual should be evaluated by a doctor. If your child is diagnosed with strep throat they may return to school 24 hours after antibiotics have been started.
Vomiting/Diarrhea - A child who has vomited should wait 24 hours from their last episode and be able to retain solid foods before returning to school. A child who is having frequent diarrhea stools should not attend school.
Influenza/RSV/Covid-19- Return to school when fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication and symptoms are improving.
Pink eye - Some eye infections are highly contagious. Symptoms include redness of eyes or eyelids, crusting of lashes and/or drainage from eyes. This infection is spread by hand to eye contact. Students should return to school after treatment has begun or when there is no longer a discharge from the eye.
Head Lice- Students are checked for head lice on an as needed basis only. Iowa Department of Public Health 14- day treatment plan
Health Screenings:
Dental Kinder and 9th grade students are required to submit a dental screening at the start of the school year. Kinder should be any time after age 3 and 9th grade should be within a year of enrollment.
Vision Kinder and 3rd are required to submit vision screenings at the start of the school year. Screening should be within a year of enrollment.
Lead At least one Blood Lead Test should occur prior to start of kindergarten.
Hearing will be checked by the Mississippi Bend AEA on students in grades K, 1, and 5.
Parents are notified of any concerns. The school nurse is happy to screen a student any time a teacher or parent requests.
Human Growth and Development:
4th graders will receive one 45 minute course in late spring.
5th graders will receive 2-45 minute classes in the fall.
6th graders will receive 2-45 minute classes in early spring.
Information will be sent home before classes.