

  • Custom Motor Controller Classes

    • Target Based

      • Supply a motor with a power and sensitivity

      • Target up or target down (can be bound to buttons or sticks)

      • Will hold its position

    • Power Based

      • Supply a motor a power

      • Will not hold its position - Too heavy for the structural position

  • Custom Configuration File

    • All servos and motors can be configured in one file

      • Changing a motor in the configuration file changes them in all of the files

      • Motors and servos can be individually disabled in the configuration file without changing any of the code

      • Motors and servos can be reversed (swap their forwards direction) in the configuration file


  • Minimize Redundancy Approach

    • Config file created first to allow other classes to be designed around it

    • Motor controller classes designed to use config file

    • Op mode classes designed to use motor controller classes

Changing the config file updates all of the op modes with minimal to no changes

Changing the motor controller updates all of the op modes with minimal to no changes