
Sep 14, 2021

We are still in the earlier days of meeting up. With our old bot and course now deconstructed, we begin planning for the upcoming season ahead.

Sep 23, 2021

Today we started to redo and clean up our robotics room. Once we got it all cleaned up and reorganized we finally felt ready for the upcoming season and began rough drafts of our new frame.

Sep 24, 2021

We finished organizing the tools and instruments, and we finally got the main frame of our robot bass together and ready to start building on. Replace the phones with game pads and control hubs.

Sep 27, 2021

We started on installing the omnidirectional tires so we can move normally and horizontal, along with fine tuning other aspects of the robot as a whole.

Sep 29, 2021

We were able to get the entire frame almost completely finished with a new Plexiglas bottom for the control hub, expansion hub, and the battery. We are waiting for the frame to straighten out. (bot concept drawn) Bot is not constantly getting over the "speed bumps" the bottom is getting stuck. Added a linear actuator so the arm can expanded outwards. Most of the arms weight is on the motor most find a way to reduce it. The hand is two "J" shaped metal pieces that pinch the object so we can carry it around. It doesn't have enough grip and will drop object some times.

Sep 30, 2021

Added a secondary rod on the linear actuator to take pressure off the motor; the motor is moving faster now. This arm is still sloppy and the linear screw is slightly warped causing it to have a slow spot. We added a lift kit on the robot this allows the robot to get over the "speed bumps" but is doesn't seem as sturdy as it once was.

October 21, 2021

Installed a string and pulley arm that is semi functional, Most make improve it is to jerky. The new arm will give us more reach but it has less stability. We 3D printed a box that can fit all three objects in it.

December 14, 2021

We replaced the arm mark 2, with the arm mark 3. Which has the same principle of utilizing the box but instead of using string and pulley we utilized a track to move the arm up and down.

January 4, 2022

We got all of the tasks that the robot has to do on the white board with all of the point totals.

January 6, 2022

The course finally came in, and we spent a lot of time putting everything together. We also started debating on who is going to drive the bot and who is going to be team coach.

Team Drivers-

  • Alex or Cujo

  • Brock

Team Coach-

  • Julia

January 7, 2022

Secured arm with rubber tubes to take pressure off of the arm. We also remounted the control hub, the expansion hub, and the battery.

Our programmer is working hard to get our programs done before the competition on the 21-22.

We finished the course.

January 11, 2022

Took off the arm to move the towers out to fix spacing so we can add a third arm to stabilize the extending arm but it made the towers move unstable with the extra weight. We also removed the rubber tubes they didn't help a lot and after a few run were ready to snap. we added a rod on the bottom of the towers to have them connected on them bottom; no noticeable difference.

January 18, 2022

Connected the two towers with a third tower and plates this has deduced the shake but we could do better. Comp on the 21-22 canceled. Giving us our programmer more time to edit programs. We came in after school to remount the arm, and we were able to stabilize the frame even more so than before.

January 25, 2022

We did some of the programming on the arm but it was difficult for our programmer to do a function to get a motor to turn a certain way until we realized that our game controller was broken and needed to be replaced. We are cleaning up the sturdiness of it. The towers are still shaking we need a new support system. Made the rod that turned the rod one thick rod instead of two smaller ones. Added a spacer in the on the left tower so the rod is more even greatly reducing the slant of arm. Added a stabilizer on the gear of the extender allowing the gear to always maintain contact eliminating the the problem of the gear slipping.

January 26, 2022

We completed the triangle support on the arm base so the towers no longer move. Programmer was able to work on the arm functionality.

  • The servos for the box are not yet programmed

January 27, 2022

We started transferring our google docs of the notebook and started on the website. The servors are now programmed. Our robot is now able to put the blocks and ducks onto the level 3 of the shipping hub.

  • Problem the arm motor is overheating causing it to cutting out.

January 31, 2022

Lowered the buckets sensitivity so we now have more control. Practiced driving and controlling the robot.

FEBRUARY 2, 2022

Disconnected the towers and removed the third. Moved the powerswitch to help with wire management. We took inventory of all the aspects of the bot and we discussed as a team what we need to do to be completely ready for comp.

February 9, 2022

We took off the bucket because the holder was broken and poorly designed. we used a new 3D printed part to connect it to the robot. Our programmer finished the first part of the autonomous with a 95% success rate.

Our new motors came in so we took off the wheels and put on the new ones.

We rebuilt the arm to make the rack in pinion system work better, and not stick.

FEBRUARY 10, 2022

First we had to replace an old motor encoder that broke internally.

We had to redo the autonomous in order to account for the new motors. The same motions were used, but the distances had to be adjusted as they were based off of the encoders on the motor.

We encountered problems with the robot sliding, so the power had to be adjust to 40%. We also encounters a problem where the robot wasn't always moving the same distance, so we made the range closer. Instead of the motors needing to be 15 ticks within range, it has to be within 10 ticks.

We also adjusted the user control to allow for the driver to use the right bumper to slow the wheels to 50% speed to allow for finer adjustment.

FEBRUARY 15, 2022

Constructed a new gripper mechanism that uses a pinion and rack system to close. Change the motor that spins the carcel to a faster motor and a bigger wheel on the end. Add an addition motor to help lift the arm.

FEBRUARY 16, 2022

Wire management has been improved.