
Team Goals

Short Term:

Get Funding - Get shirts, Get a course.

Learn new skills.

Long Term:

Have Freshman and Sophomores next year, and years to come. (Having a full team)

Teach more programmers.

Competition Goals

Short Term Goals:

Get our team to a live competition.


Get picked for an alliance

Long Term goals:

Move on to Nationals

Get Sophomores and Incoming freshman

What we want our robot to accomplish - Our plan

  • We wanted our robot to be able to move over the "speed bumps" and move horizontally.

  • We wanted it to be able to place blocks on the top level, move the ducks, and move the balls.

  • We wanted it to move in autonomous and accomplish: deliver ducks, park completely in the box, and put freight completely in the shipping hub.

What we started with:

We started with scraps, and random parts from past kits.

What we have now:

We now have a bit of funding from our school.

We have a fully functioning team.

We have a robot.

We have a plan.

Bot elements


Rev Hd hex motor with the gearbox to allow fast and powerful movement of the arm


3D printed box with two smart servos one for move movement and the second pull boxes in

Duck Wheel:

Spins the carousel


Tetrix omnidirectional wheels to allow our robot to move sideways

Drive system:

Tetrix Torquemada motor to allow smooth moving for our heavy robot.


We have 7 motors


How long we wanted the arm and what we wanted it to accomplish

How the tiers would be set up

Some 3d modeling that we made