

The first World Zionist Congress convened under Theodor Benjamin Zeev Herzl in Basel, Switzerland and was the first organized claim of Jews to Palestine. Their objective was to establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine by public law, meaning that they regarded the land of Palestine to be the Jewish homeland and their God-given right. 

This was the beginning of the Zionist Movement: establishment and development of the state of Israel as a Jewish national homeland and soveriegnity in Palestine



While Palestine is still under Ottoman control, Britain makes three different agreements with the Arabs, Zionist Organization, and France:

1) Balfour Declaration - stated Imperial Britain will use its resources to support the establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, but "...nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights on existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..." Britain established a military presence in Palestine.

Discussion between the United States, Britain, and the Zionist Organization were made. Palestinian opinion was never consulted. The declaration was met with strong criticism from both anti-Zionist Jews and Arabs.

2) Husain-McMahon Correspondence - Letters between Sir Henry McMahon, British High Commissioner in Egypt, and Sherif Husain, Emir of Mecca and acting representative of Arabs. Britain promised the Arab people complete independence of all Arab territories after WWl, including Palestine, if they revolted against the Ottoman Empire (who posed a threat to British control).

3) Sykes-Picot Agreement - Britain and France allocate the Arab territories under the Ottoman Empire and decide which countries to mandate after WWl


“...the object of the Commission is to carry out… any steps required to give effect to government declaration in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people …

“It is most important that everything should be done to obtain authority from the Commission in the eyes of the Jewish world, and at the same time allay Arab suspicions regarding the true aims of Zionism.…” 





1947-1949: Nakba (Catastrophe)

1967: Six- Day War


1987-1993: First Intifada (Uprising)

After 20 years of military occupation and settler colonialism, Palestine launches an uprising against Israel.

1993: Oslo I Accords

1995: Oslo II Accords