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Join the BDS Movement

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a global, Palestinian-led movement for liberty and justice, working to ensure Palestinians achieve the same equality and fundamental rights they are unjustifiably denied.

Connect with our local CJPIP

Oak Park's Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine works to build community awareness surrounding the oppression of Palestinians under Israeli occupation. 

Tell Congress

The Ceasefire Resolution

Stop fueling the Gaza genocide. | Adalah Justice Project

Open humanitarian access to Gaza now! | American Friends Service Committee


Email Congress: Stop Funding the Gaza Genocide | US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USPCR)

Email Congress: Ceasefire Now | Jewish Voice for Peace

Call Congress: Stop Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza | Jewish Voice for Peace

Call Congress SCRIPT: Stop the Gaza Genocide | USPCR

Get involved and spread a campaign with USPCR

Donate to Palestine Relief

Support Palestine refugee relief by donating to organizations such as the Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Palestine Legal, and campaigns with BDS.

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