Business Data Management
The objectives of this course were to understand and interpret data in a manner which is used in the business environment and develop a better practical understanding of the corporate and IT sector.
1) Understand the business context: consumption patterns, micro-economic concepts underlying demand and supply,
2) Analyses of firm-level and industry-level data,
3) Discover how businesses operate, and how they are actively managed using data dashboards,
4) Get a handle on the data that originates from business processes,
5) Identify the techniques used to represent and structure this data,
6) Gain skills on the use of worksheets to organize, interpret and present data.
Projects and assigments during the course:-
Capstone Project- analyzing a local grocer's sales data, delivered and developed successful business strategies

Assignment-1-Prepare a report on the financial position of the company.
Consider the consolidated performance of the firm in the analysis.
1) Analyze the revenue trend over the last 5 years (construct a bar chart/line chart).
2) Analyze the net profit trend over the last 5 years (construct a bar chart/line chart).
3) Compare the key financial ratios (such as Current ratio; Acid test/Quick ratio; Earnings per share; Price earnings ratio; EV/EBITDA; Net profit; Net profit
margin (%); Return on capital employed (%); Return on assets (%); Asset turnover ratio (%); Inventory turnover ratio; Debtor days) over the last 5 years and
derive insights on the financial performance of the firm based on the ratios (construct a table).
4) Present the shareholding of the company and its variation over a period of time (construct a bar chart/pie chart).
5) Present the variation in the capital structure of the company over the last 5 years (construct a table).
6) Compare the financial performance of the company to its peers in the industry (construct a table).
7) Present the main components of cost and their movement across the last 5 years (construct a table).
8) Analyze the price performance over the last 5 years (construct a line chart).
9) Highlight a few important acquisitions, sales and purchase of shares.
Note: The data sources include, or analyst reports such as,, Motilal Oswal and Emkay Global Financial Services among others.
Assignment 2- Balance sheet and Inventory of a company
ABC is a helical gear manufacturer. The production quantities from April 2019 to August 2021 and the prices for various gear assemblies (GAs) are listed. Their sales accounted to approx 85% of produced quantites in Q1 of 2019, 2020 and 2021 and 93% in the other quarters of the year. The unsold assemblies, served as inventories and were added to the beginning of next month corresponding GAs. (For instance, if there was a balance of 50 units of BS4 in Q1 April, it got added to the Q1 of BS4 in May 19). There was no production and sales for March 2020 and April 2020.
Depict graphically,
The total revenues from each of the gear assemblies
The quarter wise revenues for all the time periods
Monthly revenue generated by the gear assemblies
Inventory available per year for all the gear assemblies
Total quantities available at the beginning of each quarter.
For year, 2019-20, 38% of the GA were sold in North Zone, 12% in West, 5% in East and the rest in South Zone. And for 2020-21, 51% of GA were sold in the South, 33% in the North and the rest in West. Plot the regionwise GA sales and revenue distribution."
Assignment-3- HR Management and Candidates Ranking
Madhuri is the Program Manager at Tech Enterprises. She is currently leading a critical project. However, Abhijeet has decided to go for higher studies and has submitted his resignation. Now, Madhuri needs one resource urgently. She opted for internal sourcing and communicated the same to the HR team. Ritesh, the HR manager, creates an opening in the organization. At the end of 2 weeks, he closed the submission of the application form. The applications he has received were forwarded to Madhuri. Madhuri is interested in a few fields, and these relevant data are shown in the dataset.
Rank the above candidates as follows:
(i) By considering equal weights for all the criteria
(ii) By considering the weights given in the column ‘Weight’
Assignment 4- AB Testing FinTech Case Study