Fur Color(s): B65526 [Rust fur color]; 2BA70C [Eye color], FFFFFF [fluff color and freckles etc], FFA9A9 [ear color and nose] , 813817 [Dark brown blob color], A24A21 [Light brown color]

Fur Texture: Soft and a Little bit Fluffy 

Fur Length: Short but mostly medium length around her neck. 


White heart shape marking on the right side of her body and a light and dark brown stripe making down her front leg.

White paws making it look like they where dipped in paint.

White freckles and a white ear with two white lines in the middle of her face. 

Eye Color:

Dark Green, 2BA70C 


A Rust-fur colored with white paws and freckles and a white ear, green eyes wit white markings and a heart shaped on her face. 


A rust-fur colored she-cat [B65526], with dark green eyes [2BA70C ] with white freckles and  her left ear is white with all her paws dipped like paint in white with white fluff chest fur and a long skinny body with a dark brown blob and a lighter brown stripe in the front of her body and a white heart on her back leg and her tail is dipped in white. 

Height: 7 inches

Breed: American Shorthair

Weight: 4.5 pounds 

Voice: Kinda girly and high-pitched 

Gait: Loves to walk with pep in her step. 

Scent:  She smells like fresh cut roses and grass. 

Scars / Deformities: N/A

Diseases / Conditions: ADHD,OCD,