The Preparations

The Framework

From engaging in a discussion with Robbie, I was prompted to explore how the artwork frame, door frame and application concept could be enhanced for the deliver submission. I was mindful to consider the differences between what the design could be (designs that could be included although would offer minimal benefit) and what the design should be (designs that offer significant benefit).

I begun by listing and sketching out what design should be generated and which features would be present:


  • Complex Frame Features:

    1. Timer

    2. Importance

    3. Responsive Lighting

  • Person silhouette & custom frame and door lighting Feature:

    1. Responsive Lighting


  • A complex (antique-like)

  • A person Silhouette

  • Custom (use can mount their own frame)


  • Overhead placement


  • Wireframe application Considerations:

    • Onboarding

    • Communication facilitation

    • Customisation

The Complex Frame

The concept of a "complex" (art nouveau style) frame developed into a frame made from hands holding each other. The presence of hands may then provide the end-users with a visual reminder that there is someone caring for them on the other side of the frame.

A photograph to 3D model the hand from

Modelling the wrist, palm, thumb and each finger

Completing the model of the hand

Laying out the models to form a frame

Upon visualising the final frame model it was determined that this design did not satisfy what the final project outcome concept should be.

The Silhouette Frame

The concept of a silhouette frame emerged from the silhouette art pieces exhibited in the South Australian gallery.

Robert Wilson Moving Portraits Exhibition

A recognisable figure

The silhouette of a recognisable figure was developed. Queen Elizabeth II.

A frame prototype was developed from this silhouette to assess whether the general public may be able to discern who the figure being depicted by the frame is.

If this user testing proves successful, then the theory of recognising a figure through an illuminating silhouette frame will be validated.

The Custom Frame

The concept of a custom frame emerged from the 14th PDS metric (that the user interface should be customisable). The device will be placed behind any existing frames that are larger than 150mm x 150mm. The width of the device will provide the original frame with enough distance from the wall to allow the responsive lighting to be visible.

Fringe Festival A Priori

The emerging technologies workshop seeks to reengage participants with the built environment by exploring public space from the perspective of conventional digital technologies. As a documentarian of the workshop, I look to make sense of how technology may be used to shape interactions between people. The context I’ll be analysing is participant interaction focused and relates to themes of engagement, with the workshop, space and between others, and capturing the affect of the workshop. It is hypothesised that the workshop will generate empathy from participants towards systems of technology and urban spaces. It is predicted that the facilitators of the activity will model workshop participation through demonstrating the selection and perspective embodiment of an example technology. A foreseen limitation of the workshop is that participants will find it challenging to embody a technology without formal background experience of empathy manifestation. The workshop’s emotional atmosphere is anticipated to be captured by a series of methods designed for specific research interests. This includes capturing participant engagement and interactions through photographs, where images of proactive, inactive and responsive behaviours and expressions will be recorded. This is to be supplemented by the creation of a behavioural map, which is to track how participants utilise the shared space. Additionally, the presence of empathy is to be documented through tracking the frequency of compassionate encounters. This documentation method seeks to assess whether the development and realisation of new perspectives may be attributed to the generation of new insight. Finally, a retrospective analysis of the workshop will be performed to evaluate whether communication through technology may provide participants with an introspective analysis. This is to be documented through a voluntary interview at the conclusion of the workshop.