Yareli Escarcega Professional Portfolio

COS Internship: Finance at Montrose High School 

The Colorado Department of Education defines "Professional" using the following descriptors:

My Professional Definition:

Respect and determination are the two major keys of professionalism. Respect is a major key professionalism because if you give respect you earn it back no matter the situation. Determination is another major key because determination is the only way to grow and accomplish goals. Experience through school, sports work and just living day to day has taught me how important respect and determination is in the world of professionalism. 

Goals I set for myself.....

Soft Skills I focused on

Future Plan & Career Statement

In the future I hope to accomplish many things like further my education at Colorado Mesa University for business finance. To gain good experience and knowledge in finanicng for buisnesses.

Carear Q&A

"My name is leanne and I am a customer service technician for the City of Montrose in the finance department."

I start working in denver just because they had an opening and I thought it would bea godd fit and its a really good job to have for benifits, and retirment so I started in Fredrick and saw Montrose was hiring so I aplied and re




Final Presentation 

COS Presentation - Final.mkv

Promo Video

My Movie.mov