William Beshoar

Professional Portfolio

COS Internship: Bureau of Land Management

The Colorado Department of Education defines "Professional" using the following descriptors:

  • time & work management

  • career literacy

  • grit and resilience

  • work ethic; dependable and reliable

My Personal Definition:

  • In my personal opinion being a professional means having constancy in attitude, work ethic, and ability. Maintaining composure in all types of situations. Being trustworthy, and hardworking while completing the task in front of you is key. To be professional is having respect for what you're doing while also maintaining a good attitude and composure.

My Future Plan and Career Statement

My Future Plan is to fight fire in White Bird Idaho for the 2023 Season. After this I plan to attend University of North Dakota for a BS in commercial aviation. Cos has helped me further my knowledge of the industry as well as find me a summer job.

Career Q+A

Q-What's your occupation/title

A- My name's Caroline Kilbane and I'm the outdoor recreation planner for the Uncompahgre field office, part of the BLM.

Q-How did you get started in this career path

A- I have always liked being outside and loved the outdoors, so when I graduated from college I was looking to work outside, I did a summer internship with the NPS in California and I liked it. And I mostly just didn't want to move back to Indiana so I ended up stumbling into an internship with the BLM and that's kinda what got me started on the path, I really liked the job people and team. That was in Bakersfield California, and so that's kinda what led me down the path I'm on, even though I sort of stumbled into it. I studied environmental science and psychology in college, so people in the outdoors, which pretty much covers the job I do now. I didn't really know this was a job that existed when I started, I just fell into it.

Q-If you had one piece of advice for someone getting started in fire or gov work in general what would it be?

A- Take time to explore, you know there's a lot of different jobs in the BLM and unique opportunities that I think a lot of people feel rushed to choose the one thing there going to do forever and you can really make jobs here your own and see what the different career paths are, I also think if you like spending time outside, just keep doing it, it really helps to know an area to be able to manage it, and I think if you've grown up somewhere you have a really good sense of where a lot of things are and that's a huge help to being able to be like oh I know that people do this activity here this is how we should manage it, vs coming in now knowing anything. It takes a while to get that sense of place. So I think using that to help you get to where you're trying to go is really good.



Reflective Essay

COS Final William Beshoar.pdf

My Promo Video

Edited Internship Promo Video (Dec 5, 2022 at 12:51 AM)

Soft Skills Focused On

  • Communication

  • Attitude

  • Self Confidence

  • Professionalism

Final Presentation

Screen Recording 2022-12-15 at 10.55.18 AM 2.mov