Tyler Graves

Professional Portfolio

COS INTERNSHIP: Medical at Black Canyon Surgical Center and Montrose Regional Health

The Colorado Department of Education defines "Professional" using the following descriptors:

My Personal Definition of Professional

Career Q&A

Career question 1: What do you do for work?

Answer 1: I am a registered nurse I work in the operating room, surgery for about 18 years as a nurse 20 years including another occupancy so I decided to become a registered nurse and moved on to some advanced certification called nurse first assistant which was about two years of schooling

Career question 2: Besides your education what makes you successful at your job?

Answer 2: I think obviously learning how to work with people which I think I applicable to every job you have to be able to cooperate with people adjust with people interpret people so you can do it in a proper way to avoid confrontation enhance communications and get the job done efficiently and effectively do I think to some point I work well with people in some functioning level

Career question 3: What do you like most about your job?

Answer 3: Surgery is pretty neat I like the opportunities to be hands on as a nurse first assist and to help doctors as they do their surgeries dissecting seeing the anatomy fixing things that aren’t working it’s pretty neat, pretty amazing

Career question 4: If you were to go back to the beginning of your career what would you change of anything you


Answer 4 would be more open about what I didn’t know so I could learn at a faster rate sometimes it’s

hard to ask questions because it reveals what you don’t know while I did ask questions I

certainly did sit back and figure I would learn by experience and I did but I could have increased

my rate of learning by not being afraid to ask questions

Current Experience & Employment

I have done two different internships through the COS class. My first internship was at the Black Canyon Surgical Center. My second internship was at the same day surgery and PACU centers of Montrose Regional Health.


Resume.docx (1).pdf

Internship Overview

Edited Internship Promo Video (Dec 5, 2022 at 11:29 AM)

Soft Skills I Focused on

Presentation Video

Copy of Final Presentation #3 (Dec 13, 2022 at 11:21 AM).MOV

My Future Plan & Career Statement

I hope to be accepted into the CMU Nursing program, and attend to earn my BSN. Then find a job as a registered nurse. Later on I hope to return to school to become a certified registered nurse anesthetist, or nurse first assistant

Goals I Set For Myself

Self Confidence: Be able to ask questions, or provide input freely without worrying about being judged, or ridiculed by those that I ask about the question because it was a dumb question

Time Management: I wanted to become better at managing my time thought the day, and when it came to homework I wanted to become better at setting aside freetime to be able to just sit down and do the work I needed to, and do the work in a timely manner.

Communication: I wanted to become better at communicating wether it was by asking questions, or while working in groups to complete a task. I also wanted to be better at communicating things that I needed to get done.

What I learned:

Reflective Essay

Tyler Graves - Reflective Essay #2.pdf