Samuel Walker Professional Portfolio

COS Internship: Montrose County Sheriff's Office

Professionalism to me

To me, professionalism is the way in which someone conducts themselves appropriately to fit whatever setting they are in. Professionalism is not wearing a suit and tie and acting pompous, but dressing nicely and modestly as well as working to the best of your ability to be successful with your team if you have one. Being serious is the key to professionalism. You should be serious about your goal, your successes, and your failures. Professionalism is knowing the right time and place to joke and when to be serious.

Career Goals:

My four year career goal is to attend CMU Montrose studying Criminal Justice (Applied Science) for three years. Instead of attending CMU for my senior year, if I complete the POST Program (kind of like a Police Academy), I will graduate CMU with a Bachelor's Degree. After I graduate the program, and therefore CMU, I will join the Montrose County Sheriff's Office as a Deputy. Because the POST Program is shorter than a school year, I could potentially be working before my peers graduate. 

Goals and Soft Skills

My goal at my internship was to remember names and faces. I accomplished this goal by writing down the name and occupation of everyone I met and going over my list to keep the knowledge fresh. 

The soft skills I developed were first impression and interpersonal skills. I developed these by meeting numerous people and having tons of first impressions. This was a great skill to practice because I have feared that my interpersonal skills have been lacking.

