Selene Marquez professional Portfolio

The Colorado Department of Education defines "Professional" using the following descriptors:

  • time & work management

  • career literacy

  • grit and resilience

  • work ethic; dependable and reliable

COS Internship : Montrose Family Dental

Copy of Personal Interview Work Site Pictures, Videos, and self interview #2 (Nov 30, 2022 at 12:09 PM)

My personal Definition : Professionalism to me is having good work ethic, being reliable, and having good communication skills . Being professional includes organization, good time management, dress appropriately, respect, confidence, and working well others. Caring about your job and every details that go into it.

Copy of Personal Interview Work Site Pictures, Videos, and self interview #2 (Nov 30, 2022 at 12:09 PM)

Soft Skills Goals that I Focused on:

  • patiences

  • Confidence

  • communication

  • Active listening

Copy of Personal Interview Work Site Pictures, Videos, and self interview #2 (Nov 30, 2022 at 12:07 PM)

Internship Goals:

  • Communication:

  • Learn more about the dental industry

  • Get to experience the job to see if I would pursue in the future

Copy of Personal Interview Work Site Pictures, Videos, and self interview #2 (Nov 30, 2022 at 12:06 PM)

My future Goals :

My future plans are to get an esthetician certificate after attending Technical College of the Rockies in Delta,Colorado. Therefore I would like to open my own salon and work as and esthetician. Later on I would also l like to get my certificate to be a barber.

Final reflection (1).pdf

Reflective Easy

Copy of Edited Internship Promo Video (Dec 5, 2022 at 10:32 AM)

Promo Video

Selene Resume.pdf


Interview Q & A

  • Where do you work ?

I work at Montrose Family Dental

  • What do you do at Montrose Family Dental ?

I'm an expanded dental duty assistant

  • What do you like most about your job?

Probably the patients I like interacting with them I like the feeling of being involved the Montrose community

  • How do you deal with stress in your job?

I see a therapist weekly, either that I play a lot of contact sports

  • How did you choose the career you’re in right now?

I kinda always feel like dental assistance chose me, I applied for receptionist and I didn’t get the job and they asked me if I wanted to work in the back and they trained me so I feel like it picked me

  • If you could go back to the beginning of your career would you do anything different!?


  • Why?

I made so many mistakes in the beginning of my career and I feel like it kinda helped me get further along and to learn faster because I needed the mistakes to lear.

Thank You!!

Overview of my Expirenice

Final Presentation #3 (Dec 12, 2022 at 9:15 PM)