Janelly Saldana Professional portfolio

COS Internship: Montrose Dental Partners

The Colorado Department of Education defines "Professional" using the following descriptors:

  • Time & Work Management

  • Career Literacy

  • Grit & Resilience

  • Work Ethic; Dependable and Reliable

My Definition of Professionalism

My definition of professionalism is setting a high standard not only for yourself but in your environment. It's also by showing up early, being prepared, and with a great attitude. Being professional means you're willing to work with others by showing your respect, your willing to learn, and of course your hard work!

Soft Skills Practiced:

  • Teamwork

  • Time Management

  • Communication

  • Reasonability

  • Reliability

My Career Plan

In the fall of 2023, I plan to attend Technical College of the Rockies to peruse my career of becoming a cosmetologist. After that, I plan to extend my career into providing more services and earning certifications to extend my business and services.

Career Q&A with Lupita Garcia

Q: What do you like most about your job?

A: I think the enviorment is one of the biggest things I love about my job.

Q: How many hours a week do you work?

A: I usually work 3-4 days a week.

Q: Where did you go to school?

A: I went to the Intellic College in Grand Junction.

Q: Do you think adults sometimes have a hard time talking to young people? Why?

A: From my experiance, I don't think so. But, it could depend in your workplace for me personally I didn't have any problems.

Q: If you could be a teenager again, what would you do differently?

A: I think jumping straight ahead to this career because I tend to love it. I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to do in life as I jumped from career to career and wasted 3 years.

Q r : Do you think our generation has a chance to be as successful as our parents?

A: I do believe we can, I think by working hard and giving it our all we can be successful .

Q: Did you ever work part-time as a teenager? (If the answer is yes, ask about the experience!)

A: Yes, during High School and College I worked 3 different jobs. My first job being wendy's, second JCpenney, & my last before working at a dental office was Target.

Q: Who is your role model and why?

A: My parents are my role model, they taught me so much about how life is so hard that because of them telling me that I wanted to improve my education.

Q: If you could go back to the beginning of your career, would you do anything different?

A: I wish I could of started off going to school for dental first before wasting years of schooling.

Q: If you could give me one piece of career advice that you thought could really help me, what would it be?

A: I say you do something of your interest, because I messed up by hopping into a career that everyone else wanted but me & ended up losing years of schooling. I say do something you love and listen to your heart other than what others want.



Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay

Promo video

Edited Internship Promo Video (Dec 5, 2022 at 8:39 AM).MOV

Final Presentation