Edwin Ramos Personal Portfolio

COS Internship: Canyon Creek Electric

The Colorado Department of Education defines "Professional" using the following descriptors:

  • time & work management

  • career literacy

  • grit and resilience

  • work ethic; dependable and reliable

My Personal Definition: I believe that someone who is a professional takes pride in their work and keeps their name and reputation at 100% by working hard and always doing the best they can.


Copy of Skills Based Functional Resume Plan #1-2 (Dec 4, 2022 at 10:26 PM)

Current Experience & Employment:

Full time during the summer I worked at Rustic Metals, and was able to work with power tools like grinders mig/stick welders and plasma cutters. All while wearing PPE and using tools in a safe manner.

Future Plan and Career Statement

While I do not intend to be an electrician, I do eventually want to work in the welding field. So having this internship helped me get a sense of what it's like to work a trade and also help improve some of my power tool skills.

Reflective Essay

Copy of Essay.pdf

Soft-skills I Focused On:

  • Communication

  • Critical Thinking

  • Work Ethic

  • Responsibility


Internship Overview

Copy of Edited Internship Promo Video (Dec 4, 2022 at 10:17 PM)

Goals I Have Set For Myself

TIME MANAGEMENT: Get tasks given to me done on time and not getting distracted doing something else. Have a schedule for what is going to get done during the day and sticking to it. Prioritize the things that are most important and urgent. Group similar tasks together to get the most out of your time.

SELF-CONFIDENCE: Be sure of yourself when working. It will show your employer that you take pride in your work and know what you are doing. Will also improve your quality and speed of work, won't be double checking and doubting yourself cause you know what you are doing.

LISTENING: Maintain eye contact with whoever you are talking with. Really visualize what the speaker is saying and don't interrupt them, wait for a pause then ask questions to clarify anything you did not understand.

Final Presentation #3 (Dec 13, 2022 at 12:43 AM).MOV

Career QnA

What do you do?

I am a residential wireman

Where do you work?

I work for canyon creek electric

What do you like most about your job?

I enjoy the challenge of figuring out what I’m supposed to do I guess

How man hours do you usually work?

Usually around 40 to 45 a week

How important is previous work experience?

It’s pretty important you gotta to do this job you need to have previous knowledge of basic tool skills and just kinda have some good work ethic

How did you get this job?

I got it pretty easy for me, my dad was has been an electrician for his whole life and I kinda fell into it and working with him so

What are some specific things you need to know to get this job?

You gotta know some math not to terribly much but gotta know how to do a little bit of algebra and basic you know multiplication and division

How did you learn to do those things?

I learned most of it from just basic math and school and then you kinda learn it back as you keep going