Brentt Lucero

Professional Portfolio

COS Internship: Engineer at NRCS

The Colorado Department of Education defines "Professional" using the following descriptors:

  • time & work management

  • career literacy

  • grit and resilience

  • work ethic; dependable and reliable

My Personal Definition:

  • In my personal opinion professionalism is being able to go to any worksite even including school prepared and properly dressed. Being prepared is having the right tools to help you succeed at your task, and to be mentally prepared for anything thrown at you.

Career Q&A

Q1- Why did you get into engineering?

A1- "Initially probably because of pay. But because my strong suit was math. My weakness was english."

Q2- What is your favorite aspect of your job?

A2-" Developing new ways of doing things, and using new technology. To accomplish certain engineering tasks

Q3- What is your favorite project that you worked on, and why?

A3- My favorite projects are river restoration, just restoring modified river back to their natural state.

My Future Plans and Career Statement

I aspire to be a kind trusted breeder and rancher, and to use what skills I have learned to help myself but also to help others. I believe that if we have ranchers work together with agencies like NRCS then we can come up with better solutions to help our Earth thrive with us. To help with these plans I want to go to the military to get that one on one dog training, then go into college to get into the genetic level of dogs to help improve species health. If all goes according to plan I will have a ranch that I want to have open to help ranchers or people that want to get into that type of work.


Copy of Resume (1).pdf

Current Experience & Employment

I had my first job mostly after school, working as a barista at Coffee Trader. I learned customer service, and how to make things under pressure. Then in Summer it went to full time where I was opening shop and making it customer ready. My second job I work after school and weekends at Target. where I've learned retail skills, and even some technology skills

Internship Overview

Edited Internship Promo Video (Dec 5, 2022 at 3:21 PM)

Goals I set for myself

How to ask questions- I put this as a goal because I wanted to be able to ask the questions that could give me the best understanding to what I didn't understand. I believe I achieved this goal because I was able to ask questions that brought me more in depth into each thing.

Develop skills in different systems- I wanted to be able to understand engineering systems from the GPS unit to AutoCad. I believe for the amount of time I had a learned a lot about both systems. I wish I did have more time to dive deeper into Autocad so I could do more with the software.

Be able to teach- I wanted to understand the GPS system well enough for anyone to follow along. I hit this goal because I understood it well enough to teach to people that had no to little experience in that particular device.

Reflective Essay

Brentt Lucero - Reflective Essay #2.pdf

Soft Skills

  1. Critical thinking and problem solving

  2. Networking

  3. Communication

  4. Team work

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