Amelia Avila Professional Portfolio

COS : Montrose Daily Press


The CDE defines professionalism through 6 terms ...

My definition

To me professionalism is ones ability to present themselves responsibly in a work environment. Professionalism is the act of using soft skills, knowledge, and work ethics in order to maintain a well organized work place.

My Plans

In the fall I will be attending Univerisity of Nevada Las Vegas. I will be mastering Journalism with two minors in social psychology and business of arts. 

Time Managment

During my internship I focused on the soft skill time management , to effectivly write my best and fastest.


Communication was extremely necessary  within my internship. I practiced daily with discussing progress on my stories as well as conducting interviews.


Leadership was an important skill to practice within my internship in order to be helpful to everyone, as well as presenting and equal oppurtunity also.

Q/A with a Professional 

Q? What do enjoy about being a journalist?

I think a lot of is making connections especially with people in  organizations that our readers might not know about.

Q? How has this impacted your daily life? 

It's made myself more aware of the things going in the city of Montrose,.... It's made me feel more apart of community.

Q? Has the community impacted you in any way? 

I guess it's like humbling to see what other membeers of the community are up to,.. see that when someone notices a need within the community they're  willing to go in and fit that need.

My Goals

My Goals are to maintain more coversation style interviews, write effectivly as speedily, and to continue to grow within the field of Journalism.

Avila A Resume.pdf
Reflective essay Final COS.pdf
Edited Internship Promo Video (Mar 8, 2023 at 10:03 AM).mov