Competitive Events

Competitive event guidelines:

2023-2024 Competition Dates:

What are HOSA Competitions?

HOSA competitions are, quite literally, competitions. They serve to encourage students to develop their knowledge and skills over specific categories, such as in Medical Speech or in Physical Therapy. The competitions include differing formats depending on what is being tested, most of which are through physically demonstrating skills or through a series of multiple-choice questions. Contact your campus Health Science teacher in order to further discuss the large amount of possible competition categories. The HOSA competitions leave room for advancement as well, spanning from a local level, to a state level, and even to a national/international level. Ceremonies to celebrate the hard work and dedication of each individual competing are also included within each level. Refer to a button at the bottom of the page to be directed to the official HOSA's competition page.

Advantages of Competing

When you compete, you are able to demonstrate your abilities to those around you. It is a chance to put your knowledge and skills to work and be rewarded for it. Being able to take a risk and compete will not go unnoticed, and it is a trait that teachers, other students, and even colleges will look at. Furthermore, competing provides you an opportunity to exhibit your passion for a field and to find new interests that you didn't realize you had.